What are your financial advisory team’s rules and structures for successfully partnering together? When you’re just starting out and your financial advisory team...
For the vast majority of financial advisors, building a business begins with anything but a strategic growth and onboarding plan. They start out as a jack-of-all-trades;...
If you’re like most advisors, you probably meet with individual team members on an annual or quarterly basis to provide performance feedback. These evaluations are...
Successful wealth management is a team concept and not an independent function. In order for the client’s work to get done, you need a team that willingly engages in the...
Many financial advisors come to ClientWise seeking the partnership of a coach as they go through the process of growing their teams. While they may need help with the...
A true team is a group of people who are fully committed to mutually defined and extraordinary success of the group as a unit, and hold themselves mutually accountable...
Summer provides an excellent opportunity for financial advisors to work ON their businesses in addition to working IN their businesses. While many of your private...
What is the biggest threat to your team members’ happiness and engagement? You might presume it’s their feelings regarding their compensation, or perhaps perceived lack...
I recently read a book by Stewart Emery, Ivan Misner & Rick Sapio, called Who’s in Your Room? It essentially asks the question: What do the people you keep around say...
A commonality amongst all teams is the need for a leader who exhibits CEO-like behaviors. What ClientWise has discovered in our team-focused coaching approach is that,...
As I mentioned in Part I of this blog, there are several reasons to start a team. Perhaps you’ve reached a point where your production has plateaued and you need to make...
Sort of like starting family, there is never a "good” time to start a team. It will always take more time, attention and energy than you feel you have to give; but, if...
Time is the ultimate equalizer, and an important topic for financial advisors to consider when looking at their practice management. According to a recent study, the...
One of the greatest challenges leaders experience is finding talented team members who truly complement their teams and work hard to achieve their goals. We encourage...
One of the greatest gifts at your disposal as a financial advisor is your ability to communicate openly, both with your clients and your team members. As our focus is on...