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The ClientWise Blog

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Operations (7)

Has Your To-Do List Become a To-Don’t List? D-D-D-D-Do this.

[The following guest post was authored by ClientWise coach, Bobbi Gemma MCC.] Has your To-Do List become a To-Don’t list? Is it populated by items that never get...

Guest Post: 3 Steps to Improving Your Advisor Website’s SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website/web page in a search engine’s results. The earlier and more frequently a site...

Four Fun Historical Facts for Financial Advisors on the 4th of July

Today, July 4, 2013, marks the 236th celebration of our nation’s independence. Firstly, ClientWise wishes all of our friends and clients a very festive and happy...

5 Collaboration Tools for Successful Financial Advisory Teams

With the arrival of collaboration software, communicating and working together as a team is easier than ever before. Knowing the software that works to your advantage is...

Are Female Financial Advisors the Key to the Industry's Future?

For an industry that prides itself on its planning approach, the financial advisory profession is finding itself in a bit of a pickle of late.

Remembering Our Fallen... “Cherish Tenderly the Memory”

ClientWise joins the nation in honoring the sacrifices of our fallen service members and their families. They fought for us, and should be remembered on this Memorial...

Financial Advisors: Getting Going is Better than Getting Perfect

Years ago, when financial advisors were known as “stockbrokers” and cold-calling random strangers on the phone was still thought of as the only way to build a business,...

Financial Advisors: The Hidden Danger of Staying in Your Comfort Zone

Moving out of your comfort zone ain’t easy – even for successful financial advisors. That’s why they call it the comfort zone. Yet, staying put has hidden risks too....

Financial Advisors: Happy Mother's Day from ClientWise

This Mother’s Day marks the 99th official celebration of maternity and parenthood.

Financial Advisors: Top 10 Ways to Reclaim an Unproductive Day

It happens to the most successful financial advisors. You glance at the clock, and it’s already 3 p.m. and you say to yourself… “Where did the day go? I haven’t gotten...

Financial Advisors: The One Tip to Overcoming Your Over-Preparation

As a successful financial advisor, have you ever been stuck in the holding pattern of over-preparation? For example, have you ever: Not fully engaged in LinkedIn because...

LinkedIn Contacts Enriches Connectivity With Clients and Prospects

Recently, LinkedIn announced a new tool that provides successful financial advisors with even greater connectivity with clients, and potential clients. LinkedIn Contacts...

Financial Advisors: Free Up Time: Don’t Do Everything.

There was a nice post the other day by Elizabeth Grace Saunders on the Harvard Business Review Blog Network, "How to Allocate Your Time, and Your Effort". My takeaways...

Financial Advisors: How to Frame Yourself as "Irreplaceable"

As a financial advisor, even a very successful financial advisor, are you irreplaceable? New York Times columnist and author, Paul Sullivan, poses this very question in...

Financial Advisors: What do you want to achieve in the 2nd quarter?

If you believed that anything was possible, what do you really want to achieve in the second quarter? If there were no constraints upon you, what is the limit to your...