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The ClientWise Blog

Preparing Your Practice for NextGen Clients

While they may currently only control 4% of the nation’s wealth, there’s absolutely no doubt that if you’re not preparing your firm to address the needs and preferences...

Want to Attract New Female Clients?

Over the last few years, there have been many articles published about the increasing economic power of women both here in the U.S. and globally. By 2020 (essentially...

4 Ways to Take Team Leadership From Good to Great

There’s an old adage that states, “Great leaders don’t tell you what to do; they show you how it’s done.” It’s a point we try to strongly emphasize anytime we work with...

Hiring for Fit: Why character can matter more than capability

You sit at your desk and review a pile of resumes. For the most part, you can quickly make a determination as to whether or not individual candidates have the requisite...

Putting the ClientWise Conversation™ to Work

The subtitle of my book You’ve Been Framed is “How to reframe your wealth management business and renew client relationships.” Before you can effectively undertake that...

Unlocking the Gate: 5 Key Referral Criteria

Why is it that some advisors seem so successful at building a Professional Advocate Network of attorneys, CFPs and estate planners, while other equally capable advisors...

The Most Overlooked Fiduciary Duty

Imagine sitting down with one of your clients for a financial planning meeting and focusing exclusively on their short-term financial needs and concerns. When the client...

Designing an Advisory Team that Adds Enterprise Value

In order to achieve your defined measures of financial reward now and upon exit from your practice, you must design and hire a team that is: 1. Capable of all aspects of...

How to Operationalize Your Wealth Management Vision

It’s an incontrovertible fact that the majority of wealth management advisors vision statements never effectively drive firm success for the simple reason that they’re...

6 Questions to Help Envision Your Future Team

It goes without saying that the support of a highly-skilled team is essential to achieving the future firm you’ve always envisioned. It shouldn’t come as any surprise...

Think Outside the Platform and Get New Clients

If you’re like many advisors, you probably associate certain social networking sites with specific functions. Facebook is the platform you turn to for attracting new...

4 Behaviors to Better Leverage Your Advocates and Team

Many successful financial advisors out there have found ways to cultivate centers of influence and build momentum with their wealth management team. Here at ClientWise,...

Shared Values and Diversity – More Than Just Buzzwords

The simple truth is that people will both join your team, as well as quit your team, usually for the exact same four reasons: 1. The nature of their personal...

Profit or Purpose: What Truly Drives You?

People work for three reasons: to create safety, to create freedom of choice, and to create meaning in their lives. Yet all too often, we tend to wrap all three of these...

Wealth Management Advisors: Identify Your At-Risk Clients

Lately, in talking with financial advisors, I’m getting a sense that clients have finally settled down a bit after the heightened volatility that ushered in the New...