As your team and business expand, managing productivity quickly becomes a monumental challenge. You wake up one morning and realize that what you could once manage with...
With every hire, at a minimum you should be thinking about your future company rather than merely filling a current need. Ask yourself where you envision the individual...
How do you go about quickly and effectively integrating new hires into the culture of your team? The trick is to not wait until the individual is hired, but rather to...
Mutual accountability is a quality that neither develops on its own, nor can be coerced. Instead, mutual accountability must be co-created between you, as team leader,...
Blue Horseshoe loves Anacott Steel! For many of us, the image of Bud Fox’s tenacious efforts to bag the elephant and secure a new client relationship with Gordon Gekko...
There’s a fundamental and often monumental difference between a “team” and a “work group.” Yet what most advisors refer to as a team, is more often than not, the latter...
You’re most likely familiar with the oft-discussed Japanese business concept of Kaizen. Derived from the words“kai” which means change and “zen” which means good, the...
If you’re like most advisors, you probably meet with individual team members on an annual or quarterly basis to provide performance feedback. These evaluations are...
I’m not sure how or when it happened, but my penchant for bands like the Red Hot Chili Peppers and FooFighters is now met with a somewhat dismissive head shake and a...
Hopefully this doesn’t come as a tremendous shock, but your clients aren’t just sitting around thinking of friends and associates they could introduce you to. Generating...
Successful wealth management is a team concept and not an independent function. In order for the client’s work to get done, you need a team that willingly engages in the...
A true team is a group of people who are fully committed to mutually defined and extraordinary success of the group as a unit, and hold themselves mutually accountable...
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell Financial Advisors get a bad rap, and much of it is unjust. While we...
Years of accumulated research has taught us a simple, irrefutable fact. The most effective team leaders guide and manage from within the team structure rather than...
Depending on the size and scope of your practice, you likely only have one or two face-to-face meetings with each client annually. That fact makes those interactions...