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The ClientWise Blog

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Business Planning (2)

9 Trends That Will Impact the Future of Your Firm

Given the ever-evolving advisory landscape, staying ahead of the curve can be a difficult challenge. It will be essential to your continued success. As we look forward...

8 Benefits of a Five-Year Strategic Plan for Your Business

Recently, I was talking with one of our elite advisor clients (the CEO of a $2.4 billion firm), and he shared the notion that for all its critical importance, ‘strategic...

7 Essential Metrics for Your CEO Scorecard

Recently, I was coaching a group of larger ($1+ billion in AUM) advisory firm CEOs. Our objective was to develop a CEO scorecard they could all commit to holding...

10 Tips to Fast-Track Team Goal Setting in 2024

As we embark on the journey of a new year, fully present, with clear heads and open minds, this is the perfect time to commit to a ‘growth restart.’ From carefully...

Top 5 Key Insights for Business Continuity

Q1 2022 INSIGHTS During the first quarter of 2022 (Jan - Mar), we asked our clients a series of business-specific questions to gauge their perceptions as to how prepared...

"What's in Their Wallet?" Part 2: Why Your Compensation Stack Matters

Your compensation stack is the combination of human capital tools which create a framework for fully compensating your team members and framing your firm as a desirable...

Build It and They Will Come: Structuring your Compensation Philosophy

If you’re at all familiar with the film Field of Dreams, you know that it takes more than simply plowing the cornfield and building a baseball diamond to achieve your...

5 Critical Keys to Effective Compensation Planning

Ask any consultant who works on compensation in the financial services industry and they’ll probably tell you that retaining Human Capital should be the #1 cause of...

Imagination: A Critical Tool for Business Growth

In general, entrepreneurs are successful because they can see a future that nobody else sees, and imagine things that others simply can’t bring themselves to envision....

Short-Term Comp = Long-Term Headaches

In just the past few weeks alone, I’ve come across no fewer than a half-dozen situations where highly successful advisors suddenly find themselves hamstrung by...

How to Justify Your Value So Price Doesn't Matter

As the advisor industry continues to churn with speculation regarding the scope and extent of new forthcoming DOL guidance around the transparency of client fees, all...

How Much is that Advisor in the Window?

Perhaps more than any other industry, the financial advisory business is keenly attuned to benchmarks. You carefully watch major indices, craft investment portfolios to...

Durability, Profitability and Sustainability: What's the Difference?

These are perhaps the three most important benchmarks by which wealth management practice success is truly measured. Yet, many advisors struggle with drawing clear...

The 9 Elements in Every Successful Financial Advisor Business Plan

In our last blog, we focused on the turning of the calendar as an ideal opportunity to revisit your business plan, with an eye towards capturing more meaningful business...