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10 Tips to Fast-Track Team Goal Setting in 2024

By Ray Sclafani | January 5, 2024

As we embark on the journey of a new year, fully present, with clear heads and open minds, this is the perfect time to commit to a ‘growth restart.’ From carefully gauging what other elite advisors are doing to build more enduring, sustainable, and impactful firms, we’ve learned it takes more than a simple commitment to working harder. You also need to work smarter, which begins with establishing firm goals. But not just any goals. You need to set the right goals—ones that are both clear and achievable.

We all want to start the year off quickly, on a successful and positive note. The following tips should help you set the stage for that, with goals that will allow you and your team to make the most of 2024.

10 Tips to Fast-Track Team Goal Setting in 2024

  1. Collaborate

    Start the year by bringing your team together to develop a shared aspirational vision for 2024. Encourage open discussions and ensure everyone understands and aligns with the team's purpose and direction.

  2. Communicate Clearly 

    Effective communication is paramount. Ensure that every team member knows their role in achieving the goals, and encourage open channels for sharing ideas, concerns, and progress updates.

  3. Create Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

    John Doer, in his book Measure What Matters outlines how Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation all rock the world using OKRs. You’re probably familiar with KPIs or MBOs, but OKRs accelerate the success of interdependent teaming. Begin with your key results. As you weigh various desirable outcomes, ask yourself two important questions: What exactly do you want for your business in 2024? And what will having that do for you? Once you’ve developed a focused list of key results, prioritize them into categories and develop an objective for each.

  4. Prioritize Your Objectives

    Remember that not all key results are equal. Identify the most critical objectives (those which will significantly impact your team's success) and prioritize them accordingly.

  5. Establish Individual Accountability 

    Invite your team members to take ownership of specific responsibilities and encourage them to hold one another accountable for each individual’s part in achieving the team's success. Clear ownership fosters a sense of commitment and responsibility and amplifies the interdependence required to build an enduring firm.

  6. Maintain Regular Check-Ins 

    Depending on the nature of each specific goal and how fluid and fluctuating it is, these meeting may be held weekly, monthly or quarterly. But checking in regularly on progress provides an opportunity to assess performance and make necessary adjustments.

  7. Embrace Feedback

    Encourage your team members to provide constructive feedback to each other. Giving feedback and advice from a collaborative perspective is an important component of team success, promotes growth, and helps identify areas where improvements are needed. At ClientWise, we coach team members and leaders to do this effectively and offer tools and resources to help your team establish constructive feedback mechanisms.

  8. Celebrate Milestones

    While overall compensation should be tied to your OKRs, it’s also important to celebrate smaller victories along the way. Recognizing and acknowledging key milestones goes a long way in boosting team morale and keeping motivation levels high.

  9. Be Flexible and Adaptable

    “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go astray!” Understand that circumstances, priorities, and firm needs may unexpectedly change, so flexibility and adaptability will be essential. Be ready to pivot your strategies when necessary while keeping your ultimate goals in mind.

  10. Foster a Learning Culture

    A culture of continuous learning within your team strengthens competency and expands capabilities, and keeps individuals engaged, motivated and committed to excellence. Encourage team members to seek personal and professional development opportunities that will benefit them individually and the team.

Building an enduring firm is meaningful and noble work. Setting attainable goals is the foundation of that journey. But execution and sustained commitment to your goals are equally, if not more, important. By implementing these ten tips, your team can take major strides toward success in 2024. It’s simply a matter of teamwork and shared vision—when a team works together with clear goals and effective communication, there's no limit to what they can achieve.

Here's to a fast start in 2024, filled with accomplishments, growth, and success for your enterprise. Cheers to an incredible year ahead!

Coaching Questions from this Blog:

  • What are your key business and team goals for the coming year? What will achieving those goals do for the business and you personally?

  • How would you prioritize those goals? And what particular objectives and metrics do you think would best help you achieve each individual goal?

  • Think about your team members. How can you actively engage them in the goal-setting process and support them so they hold themselves more accountable for specific responsibilities aligning with those goals?

    ClientWise 99 Discovery Questions

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