5 Keys to Reaching Team Goals And Having The Best Year Ever
Accomplishing Your Biggest Goals, which includes some really important points about the benefits of things like past failures, setting goals that seem unachievable, and being aggressive in your goals even when you are incredibly busy and feel overwhelmed doing simply the status quo. Unfortunately the replay has run out, but I managed to grab a listen in the final hours thanks to a relationship manager on the ClientWise team. A big shout out to John Moyer for giving me a heads up!
While his points are directed toward individuals for the most part, they are just as important to keep in mind for teams. Here are some of the key observations made by Hyatt that are really in line with our thinking when it comes to goal-setting as a team here at ClientWise:
1. Believe you can win: Most people think that “high achievers” are somehow more skilled or talented, or have different circumstances or resources that somehow better prepare them than the rest of us. However, this isn’t the case. It’s because they believe they can win and, as a result, are able to overcome the barriers that keep most of us from pursuing the things we really desire. Get your team members together to discuss the conscious and sub-conscious barriers that may be holding you back from your greatest collective potential. Putting them on the table will allow you to address and tackle each one accordingly.
2.Get past the past: Many of these barriers are created because people assume that the past is indicative of the future. Believing this will only prevent you from success. Get past the past and throw out your limiting beliefs using the following exercise: Write down 3 limiting beliefs and replace those with positive liberating, truths. Link these truths to your current goals to reframe your perspective on your teams’ ability and how these relate to your ultimate success. Doing so will allow you to process failure together as a team, rather than being held back by it. You’ll soon find that your biggest failures are actually preparing you for your future, not keeping you from it.
3.Set specific goals: Goals, unlike dreams, are specific, measurable and concrete, and have deadlines that create urgency and focus to provide a better understanding of the steps needed to achieve them. The biggest thing preventing people from reaching their goals is failure to create these metrics. Work with your team to create 3-5 measurable and specific goals with deadlines that will help you break down the steps toward getting there. Achieving your goals is as much about understanding the path to get there as it is about knowing the outcome.
4.Know your why: Know exactly why these goals are important to you and your team overall. Simon Sinek, who we referenced in a blog last week, has a similar point: Have an emotional connection to your goal. As Michael Hyatt points out in his webinar, understanding the why will help you get through the difficult parts of achieving your goals, and keep you motivated even when your goals seem unattainable. Sit down with your team and revisit the goals you’ve outlined for 2015. Working as a team, identify your WHY for each, and commit these to memory. Put them somewhere in the office where they are visible to you at all times.
5.Get started now: Procrastination is a giant enemy of success, and it can appear in deceiving ways that make you feel productive. Excessive planning, for example, can feel useful or industrious, but sometimes have the same effect as procrastination. Avoid this by breaking your goals down into manageable pieces so that you are inspired to begin right away rather than overwhelmed at the task at hand. Working with your team, identify at least one action step for each goal. Don’t worry about successive ones, just the first; each successive step should become clearer as you work toward completing the previous.
Following this advice will make a huge difference in your team’s ability to achieve goals, and working as a team will ultimately make doing so much easier because you will have perspective and accountability from multiple people. Engaging in a coaching workshop or team-based coaching will also help provide additional accountability, structure, and provide some outside perspective in outlining your goals, which can be even more beneficial than working from within your perspective as a team alone.
Coaching Questions from this article:
1.How clear are you as a team with regard to the limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving your goals?
2. What is the “why” for each of the goals you’ve set for yourself as a team in 2015?
3. Can you break down your goals into more manageable steps that enable you to start working toward them immediately rather than getting stuck in the “planning” phase?
Topics: Business Development Team Development Coaching Business Planning