Memorial Day: Honoring Our Fallen Heroes
This weekend, we commemorate those who have fought for all we hold so precious and dear. Memorial Day is a day when we pause to give thanks to the people who fought for the preservation of our country's freedoms and inalienable rights.
Memorial Day was first officially observed in 1971, but its history and traditions date back to the Civil War. One of the deadliest U.S conflicts, the end of the Civil War created a need for national cemeteries and in response, communities across the nation began holding their own their springtime tributes in honor of those soldiers. This eventually led to the federal government recognizing it as the nationwide holiday we know today.
As most have already fired up the grill in preparation for friends and family, let us not forget that The National Moment of Remembrance, established by Congress, simply asks, wherever you might be at 3:00 p.m. your local time, to pause in an act of national unity for one minute. Here is a link to the 106th Congress Public Law 579.
Let us reflect and give thanks to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice serving our country’s armed forces. It is because of those that sacrificed their lives that we are able to enjoy our freedom, our family, and our celebrations. May God continue to Bless America!
Topics: Holiday