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Financial Advisors: 5 Quick Ways to Improve Your Real-Time Presence

By ClientWise | March 5, 2014

One of the most genuine and real aspects of the Ellen DeGeneres selfie, is the smiles. Check out this photo. Every one of these stars and celebrities has a glowing and happy-to-be-part-of-this smile…just like any of us might have looked. (One exception. Kevin Spacey seems to be more smugly celebrating his “photobomb.”)

In this perceptive post the other day, the always insightful David Meerman Scott points out the real-time nature of this selfie. Not only did millions of viewers see the broadcast live, but they actively participated by retweeting Ms. DeGeneres’ post, causing the Twitter servers to crash for 20 minutes.

@dmscott goes on to observe, “For salespeople, real-time is critical. Today buyers are in charge. The idea of mystery in the sales process is over.” 

These are points that financial advisors should be asking of themselves again-and-again. Consider how your own behavior has changed whenever you are part of a sales process. Do you watch film-trailers prior to choosing a movie? Do you check out on-line menus, or Yelp, before going out to a restaurant? Do you read the customer reviews before buying books on Amazon?

Most likely you do. And most likely your prospective clients are doing the same thing when they check you out.

The big question. As a financial advisor, does your real-time presence satisfy today’s “in-charge” buyer?

Ways to Improve Real-Time Presence

Here a few quick questions that financial advisors might consider to enhance your real-time appearance:

Is your website up-to-date with contact info, a recent professional photo of you and your team, and real-time information that engages your ideal clients?

  • Are you seeding your website with keywords, and using search engine optimization (SEO)?
  • Is your Google+/Places profile updated so that you can be more easily found?
  • Is your value proposition clear and up-to-the-minute?
  • Is your LinkedIn profile current, and are you active?

The questions above are only small pieces of your real-time sales strategy.  It is extremely important to think about your strategy every 90-days and make any necessary changes. Be sure to reflect on how you are positioned in the eyes of your ideal clients.

More to come on this... 

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Topics: Marketing & Communication

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