ClientWise Blog

What is #NFAW14?

Written by ClientWise | Jul 17, 2014 4:31:00 PM


Prime location, check. Leading financial media outlets, check. Top financial advisors, check. Eager investors, check. Celebrity appearances and life-changing giveaways, check and check! The first ever National Financial Advisor Week has got it all, and Advice IQ, its host, isn’t testing the waters. They’re going in head-first with a full takeover of Times Square, and the result is anticipated to be as impressive as the approach. 

For investors, it will provide five days chock-full of valuable resources, through a series of panels and presentations that demystify the financial advisory process. For advisors, it will provide incredible exposure to potential clients, centers of influence, and media opportunities, not to mention the plethora of speakers (97), panels (80), and booths at their exposure, which will provide information to enhance and improve their businesses. 

Read below for some highlights of this year’s inaugural event, and stay tuned to future posts for more information on how advisors can benefit from NFAW14.


Fulfilling a dream: Since NFAW falls concurrently with National College Planning Month, the week-long conference will not only address how financial advisors help families plan for the financial ramifications of higher education (and other life transitions) as part of its focus, it will also raffle off a free college tuition to one lucky winner entering as a Freshmen in the Fall of 2016. 

Closing the Gap: There are over 50 million U.S. households that have never worked with or, as a result, never fully understand the benefits of a relationship with a professional financial advisor. National Financial Advisor Week seeks to change this by, connecting qualified financial advisors with those in need of financial advice. 

Transforming Industry Impressions: In the same way that ClientWise™ seeks to shift people’s impression of the Industry by working with advisors to strengthen their relationships with clients, Advice IQ promotes transparency, communication, and thought leadership throughout the Industry, by publishing a range of valuable content and information for their investor audiences. National Financial Advisor Week will be a live version of this effort on a MUCH grander scale. Elect to be a part of the transformation by attending #NFAW14

Getting Everyone Onboard: This is the first event of its kind that really brings together not just advisors, but all of the components that make financial services education and awareness the integral part of our culture that it truly should be. AIQ is inviting everyone from investors and media personnel, to renowned businesspeople and celebrities who understand the importance of financial planning and are eager to promote it to others.                                      

To learn more about this exciting event, and solidify your place in this transformative celebration of the incredible work financial advisors do for investors visit today!