ClientWise Blog

The Best Present to Give Your Family in 2016

Written by Ray Sclafani | Dec 22, 2015 7:11:10 PM

On behalf of the entire ClientWise team, I would like to wish a Happy Holidays to all of our friends and family! While traveling recently, I took some time to reflect on my year and all that I have to be grateful for. While it seems during this time of year that “presents” are all the talk, it is the time we spend together that truly makes the holidays. Don't get me wrong, presents are nice too. In case you're curious what's on my list for good ol' Saint Nick: I asked for an Apple watch, new running sneakers (does anyone call them sneakers anymore?), and some fun socks to wear with my work clothes. Yeah, that's right, you can never have enough socks. But what is the best gift I can expect to give and receive this year? While flying from LGA to DFW recently for a client meeting, I was catching up on emails and watched this video, produced by American Airlines. It really got my attention. You see, as a coach at ClientWise and the founder of a firm, I have to stay fully focused on coaching high performers and aspirational leaders. We often guide our clients to find greater “presence” in their lives and work, and this holiday season I want to make sure I am fully present and fully focused on the priorities that matter most.   

During this Holiday season, my wish for you is that you find full presence and joy, focusing on what matters most to you! Being fully present takes intention, it is much easier said than done. Who in your life and work deserves your full presence?

As I think about it right now, my son, Jonathan, is home from Baylor University after his Freshman Fall semester.  My wife, Beth, and my youngest son, Nicholas, and I really missed him these last few months. I’ll be fully present for him. Beth and I will enjoy “date night” at our favorite restaurant, Valbella, in Old Greenwich during the Holidays, I’ll be present for her. Nicholas wants to go skiing together somewhere there’s snow. I’ll be present for him on that chair lift, where we seemingly have the most amazing conversations!

I am lucky enough to have such a beautiful family that deserves every ounce of attention and love I can possibly give to them. I will continue to be present throughout the next year and I am also extremely grateful to have lots of friends to catch up with over this holiday season. Last but not least, I am thankful of course for our clients and anyone who has been enjoying my blog this year! 

We wish you a Happy Holiday Season!

Be safe and be present, and look forward to hearing from you next year! 


Ray Sclafani